Belinda Shinshillas is an artist born in Mexico City in 1967 and a resident of New Orleans, Louisiana. Belinda’s work is of a contemporary character and highly influenced by surrealistic tendencies.
Belinda's devotion for art began at an early age, continued and developed through studies of art history and analysis of the masters’ works in America and Europe. Belinda’s work transforms a spiritual art through vibrant colors, as an element of value, into a visual experience. This transformation allows the display of sensations and emotions that carry the observer to an apparent tranquility while meeting the delirious happiness represented by expressing our observations.
Belinda attended the oldest art academy in the Americas, National School of Visual Arts, Old Academy
of San Carlos in Mexico City. There Belinda studied under renowned masters Gilberto Aceves and Luis
Rene Alva. She also studied under the well known Mexican muralist Manuel Guillen and Dr. Teresa del
Conde at the Rufino Tamayo Museum in Mexico City.
Belinda has been included in selective group and solo exhibitions for more than fourteen years
throughout Mexico and the United States.
Belinda is a signature member of The National Acrylic Painters Association, a member of The
Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club in New York City, an active member of the Federation of Canadian
Artists, a member of The Academie Europeenne Des Arts in Belgium, and a former member of the
Advisory Board of the El Paso Museum of Art, among others.